China Bambi


Tag: talent

A Scary Monster House For Halloween?

Christine is at it again.. and I love her for it! #lifegoals

Halloween is coming! Will your house be as scary as this one? Christine H. McConnell decorated her parents’ house for the coming celebrations. She used foamcore boards to make eyes and teeth. Quite a bit of work went into painting them so realistically! The house also features such conventional decorations like carved pumpkins, spiders, and spider webs.

Christine H. McConnell is a photographer, stylist and baker from the Los Angeles area. She personally styles models for her shoots, and even prepares clothes for them. This hands on approach also works for painting giant eyes, apparently. Check out some of my other blogs about her amazing theatrical cakes and family portraits revisited.

More info: | imgur | facebook | instagram | flickr








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Christine McConnell – Family Portraits

Multitalented Los Angeles-based photographer Christine McConnell is back with a new project, called “Seven Generations of American Women.” In this very personal photo series, the artist recreates the portraits of her family women from her maternal line, glancing as far back as to her great-great-great-grandmother, who was born in 1821.

The project is a beautiful tribute to McConnell’s female side of her family tree, for which she did an amazing job recreating the poses, hair, makeup, clothes of her ancestors, and even perfectly mimicking the nostalgic photo effects of the original portraits. As professional as the whole project undoubtedly is, the artist couldn’t resist giving us a humorous sneak-peak into the up-coming generation in the very last picture.

McConnell in not only a photographer, but also a stylist, make-up artist, a model and baker! See my previous post here on her incredible talents.

More info: | Flickr|  Facebook | Instagram

Great-great-great-grandmother, Martha (born 1821)


Great-great-grandmother, Jane (born 1858)


Great-grandmother, Attie Mae (born 1898)


Grandmother, Mildred (born 1928)


Mother, Kathryn (born 1957)


Christine (born 1981)


Daughter, Trigger (born TBD)


Source: Demilked

Serious girl crush for this talented lady!



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Viktoria Modesta – ‘Prototype’ BORN RISKY

There is only one reason to watch the Xfactor final tomorrow night.. for the real talent.. that is going to air during the ad break! Viktoria Modesta is here!


Working with Channel 4 they have spent £200k on the ad to feature during this Xfactor ad break where 10 million viewers will see this incredibly inspiring lady!

“Forget what you know about disability.

Channel 4 introduces Viktoria Modesta, the world’s first amputee pop artist.”

Here is the full length video… WOW!

I can’t wait to see what this campaign/program BORN RISKY enfolds.. but if its anything like the Gaga’esq empowering video ‘Prototype’ it will be AMAZING!


The ad is being funded by Channel 4, who say they have given the singer the opportunity to showcase her latest song during the final as there are no other stars in the music industry with prosthetics.

Latvian-born Miss Modesta, who describes herself as a singer-songwriter, took the radical decision at the age of 20 to undergo a below the knee amputation to her left-leg to ease her mobility following an injury during birth.

The 26-year-old, who says she has been approached by X Factor but turned them down, said: ‘For a long time, pop culture closed its doors on me as an amputee and alternative artist.

‘I think people have always found it hard to know what to think or feel about an amputee who wasn’t trying to be an Olympian.

‘In sports, ‘overcoming’ a disability makes you a hero, but in pop there is no place for these feelings.

I have never felt comfortable thinking of myself as disabled and this has inspired me to actively challenge old-fashioned views and create a platform in mainstream pop-culture, with other artists, where I have always known I belonged.’


The singer also took part in the closing ceremony of the 2012 Paralympic Games and says the song Prototype shines a light on stigma, questions normal ideas of sex and beauty and celebrates being different.

The ad is also part of Channel 4’s Born Risky initiative, which also ran the ‘Superhumans’ campaign during the 2012 London Paralympics.

John Allison, joint head of 4Creative, said: ‘We wanted to build on the legacy of the Paralympics work so we asked ourselves, “Why are there no disabled pop artists?”‘


‘Pop stars these days are painfully dull and manufactured. Viktoria embodies our governmental remit of championing alternative voices and establishing new talent.’

While Dan Brooke from Channel 4 added: ‘Channel 4 was born to be different: to offer alternative perspectives and to take creative risks, especially with new talent.

Here is a ‘making of the video’

Spread the VM love guys! She’s so badass!

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Check out her website here

Buy her music here on iTunes

Instagram @viktoriamodesta

VM Facebook page

Source: Ch4, Daily Mail, Viktoria Modesta 

Here’s my love from one Victoria to another Viktoria 🙂



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A 5-Year-Old Girl With Autism Creates Beautiful Paintings

Autism can cripple an individual’s ability to socially interact and express themselves in ways that most of us can understand. However, this poorly-understood neurological disorder can also bestow extraordinary talents. Take, for example, 5-year-old Iris Grace, who creates beautifully expressive paintings in spite of – and perhaps because of – her autism.

Grace paints with an understanding of color that most 5-year-olds don’t have. However, she is only now learning to speak – something most 5-year-olds started to do when they were 2.

Grace’s mother, Arabella Carter Johnson, discovered her daughter’s talent when she introduced her to painting as a way to help her with her speech therapy. “Then we realised that she is actually really talented and has an incredible concentration span of around 2 hours each time she paints,” she writes on their website. “Her autism has created a style of painting which I have never seen in a child of her age, she has an understanding of colours and how they interact with each other.

The family sells Grace’s paintings for auction on their website and donates to various organizations that work with autism, so be sure to take a look!

More info: irisgracepainting | Facebook (h/t: aplus) Via Demilked
















So beautiful and moving.. a very talented young lady.



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Christine McConnell – The Ultimate Creative

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I came across the multi-talented and beautiful artist, photographer, model, stylist and excellent baker Christine McConnell the other day and fell completely in awe. Based in Los Angeles, McConnell creates inspiring works of art and such incredibly unique confectionery marvels with a stunning peculiarly dark angle. She’s created a remarkable series of baked nightmares that Tim Burton would be proud of, with a terrifying cookie monster, a satanic birthday cake, spine-chilling chocolate tarantulas, and even an Alien Facehugger! I love this waffle wafflecone monster below!

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Christine sure doesn’t let her many talents go to waste and keeps herself busy in many ways, sharing her confectionery, sewing, painting and photographic creations on social media. Her photos and artworks have been displayed in magazines, billboards and national ad campaigns. She’s also worked as a stylist with celebrities for various events and on film sets.

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She is a complete inspiration to me as the ultimate creative person, sewing, painting, baking, styling, photography and modeling all with a quirky dark twist – creative platforms and styles I also share. She’s also a crazy cat lady! 🙂

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I envy the fact she has such a huge creative output in her everyday life.. only a few weeks ago I was telling the bf I wish I could be this creative free spirit in everyday life, and now I have found someone who is that ultimate goal!

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I aspire to be as talented and creatively free as her one day while living in the California dream of LA once again.

Maybe one day I will meet this incredible lady in LALA land and we can share our creative talents and have kitty play dates.

You have to check out her work, I’m obsessed with her instagram! A Christine McConnell fan!

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